October 12, 2023
Utilicast was selected to support a municipally owned Mountain utility in preparation for joining the SPP RTO West. This includes providing RTO training and gap assessment. #MarketIntegration
Utilicast was selected to support a municipally owned Mountain utility in preparation for joining the SPP RTO West. This includes providing RTO training and gap assessment. #MarketIntegration
Utilicast will gather requirements and perform a current and future state gap analysis, among other services, for a Mountain cooperative utility related to their long-term forecasting capabilities. #Forecasting
Utilicast was selected by a Pacific joint power authority to perform a CAISO EDAM Gap Analysis. #MarketIntegration
Utilicast will support a Pacific Independent System Operator define, analyze, and test Settlement charge calculations in their GE eTerra Settlement System. #MarketManagementAndSettlementSystems
Utilicast will support a Central Regional Transmission Organization (RTO)’s clearing of backlog of Generation Interconnection requests. Utilicast will facilitate and coordinate Facility Studies conducted by Transmission Owners. #MarketManagementAndSettlementSystems
Utilicast will support a Central Regional Transmission Organization (RTO)’s Resource Adequacy plan realignment to include variable generation resources. #MarketManagementAndSettlementSystems
A Central U.S. RTO is in the process of implementing major components of its governance structure of their planned new markets services in 2023 and exploring launching transitional real-time balancing market and other components in 2024. Utilicast will augment its team to meet its objectives, providing project management and coordination services. #MarketIntegration
Utilicast will provide California ISO (CAISO) market training and advisory services, specifically on CAISO’s storage modeling logic for a Pacific U.S. global energy storage company. #MarketIntegration #EnergyStorageIntegration
Utilicast will provide an Eastern Independent System Operator (ISO) with technical advisory, design, recommendations, documentation, and implementation of market functionality, including coordination, procedures, market rule changes, new market features, production tasks for the ISO’s Market Design Complete Milestone in support of FERC Order 2222 compliance. #RenewableAndDERIntegration
Utilicast will provide consulting services for a Pacific U.S. flexible fuel generation technology company to help them understand the technical and operational requirements of non-energy system reliability services that their generation may qualify to offer in the ERCOT market. #MarketIntegration