A U.S. Market Operator contracted with Utilicast to provide requirements definition, functional/technical design, defect resolution, testing and post-implementation support for their replacement Settlement Management System, Market Settlement System and Transmission Settlement Systems.
A major ISO hired Utilicast to conduct several studies related to their Next-Generation Market System including DER integration study, vendor feasibility study, and market engineering support.
Through a competitive RFP process of a large governmental agency, Mexico’s market operator (CENACE) hired Utilicast to write a specification and RFP for its market systems.
A large trading organization hired Utilicast to provide system integration services for an Energy Trading and Risk Management (ETRM) system replacement.
Mexico’s Secretary of Energy (SENER) selected Utilicast to assess the calculation of marginal losses in the Mexican national electricity market (Análsis del Cálculo Realizado para Determinar el Sobrecobro por las Pérdidas Marginales).