Utilicast was hired to provide executive consulting for a public Mountain utility’s safety program. The work includes two areas: Energized Work and Safety Culture Improvements. Utilicast will leverage its previous work with the utility to expand its Top Ten Percent Safety program. #ProgramMgmtOffice
Utilicast will provide monthly compliance monitoiring for a Central municiplaity’s NERC TO, TOP, and TP registration. In addition, Utilicast is on an as needed retainer for compliance questions and new/revised standard process changes. #NERCAndFERCCompliance
Utilicast will help facilitate a Central member cooperative’s mission, vision, and value statement creation. As a collaborative effort, Utilicast will partner with the cooperative’s stakeholders to develop a comprehensive analysis of the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal (PESTEL) external factors impacting them, which can then be used to better analyze their strengths, weaknesses, […]
Utilicast will provide NERC Compliance Operations and Planning support, including controls program development and testing, for a Central investor-owned utility. #NERCandFERCCompliance
Utilicast will support a Central investor-owned utility with program development for NERC FAC-003, including process and procedure development. #NERCAndFERCCompliance
Utilicast will provide domain expertise, architecture, and governance for a Private Mountain utility’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) refresh initiative. #SolutionArchitecture
Utilicast will provide solution architecture in support of a Central utility company’s FERC Order 2222 initiative. #SolutionArchitechture #RenewableAndDERIntegration
Utilicast will facilitate a Market Readiness Assessment to determine the major costs and efforts that would be required to participate in a wholesale electricity market for a municipal utility in the Pacific U.S.. #MarketIntegration