March 27, 2023

Utilicast will provide domain expertise, architecture, and governance for one of the largest electric utilities in the Mountain U.S.’s Enterprise Asset Management initiative for the next three years. #EnterpriseAssetManagement

March 23, 2023

Utilicast will continue to provide Solution Architecture as a Service for the next three years to one of the largest electric utilities in the Mountain U.S. across its project portfolio. Utilicast will improve the utility’s ability to create and deploy reliable technology solutions that deliver business value. #SolutionArchitecture

March 1, 2023

A Mountain public electric and water utility is considering transitioning to CIM-based integration across the organization. Utilicast was hired to help meet the following four goals: 1. Engage and Initiate, 2. Build Business Case 3. Technology Roadmap, and 4. Guidance on Team /Organization for model governance. #AssetModelingAndOptimization

December 1, 2022

Utilicast will perform enterprise architecture, solution architecture, cloud technology and strategy, and technology roadmap consulting services for a Pacific public utility district. #SolutionArchitecture

September 1, 2022

Utilicast will continue to provide Solution Architectural services in support of a purchaser and distributer of natural gas to Southcentral and Western state counties. #SolutionArchitechture

August 29, 2022

An Electric Power Distributor has hired Utilicast to provide an onsite mock audit of a subset of the NERC TO and TOP standards they are needing to comply with. #NERCAndFERCCompliance

July 1, 2022

Utilicast will provide an initial assessment for large Southwestern utility transitioning their existing ServiceNow instance to a deployment hosted in the ServiceNow data centers. #ITSM

June 2, 2022

Utilicast will continue to provide architectural services to a large federal power marketing administration’s IT modernization efforts. #SolutionArchitecure

June 1, 2022

Utlicast will act as an Independent Assessor (IA) responsible for providing guidance and direction to a large Western utility’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) initiative, assessing the overall health and progress of the project, and providing candid and impartial assessments of project success and issues to project team members, leadership sponsors, and board committees. #ProgramDeliveryQualityAssurance

May 9, 2022

A licensed retail energy provider and largest energy supplier in North America engaged Utilicast for subject matter expertise in readiness for an upcoming NERC O&P audit. It includes a review of the existing Reliability Standard Audit Worksheet and the development of additional ones. #NERCAndFERCCompliance