April 28, 2019

Through a competitive process, Utilicast was selected by a Northwestern U.S. utility; to serve as the system integrator for joining the Western EIM.

March 1, 2019

A Northern U.S. utility hired Utilicast to support the implementation of a new bid-to-bill system.

January 31, 2019

Through a competitive RFP process, Utilicast was awarded the role as system integrator to help a U.S. Mountain region utility to prepare for CAISO EIM.

January 29, 2019

A global energy company hired Utilicast to perform a gap analysis for its generation facilities and asset management capabilities.

October 30, 2018

A Northwestern U.S. investor-owned utility hired Utilicast to support a number of Grid Modernization initiatives and planning for CAISO EIM membership.