December 18, 2017
Through a competitive RFP process, Seattle City Light selected Utilicast to serve as its market integrator for membership into to CAISO Energy Imbalance Market.
Through a competitive RFP process, Seattle City Light selected Utilicast to serve as its market integrator for membership into to CAISO Energy Imbalance Market.
A Southwest investor-owned utility hired Utilicast to provide a Gap Analysis and Cost Assessment for membership into the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market.
A large trading organization hired Utilicast to provide system integration services for an Energy Trading and Risk Management (ETRM) system replacement.
A large public utility hired Utilicast to provide a Gap Analysis and Cost Assessment for membership into the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market.
Through a competitive RFP process, a large Western Utility selected Utilicast to service as an advisor to its CAISO readiness and provide Project Management services for the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market
Through a competitive RFP process, a candidate member of the Mountain West Transmission Group awarded Utilicast a contract to assess the costs of joining he Southwest Power Pool vs. operating as a standalone Balancing Authority.