June 17, 2013

Large Eastern Utility selects Utilicast to build EMS monitoring system.

February 13, 2013

Utilicast named MISO integration consultant at Sam Rayburn Municipal Power Agency (SRMPA). SRMPA is one of several Market Participants and four Balancing Authorities that Utilicast is helping prepare to operate in MISO markets.

January 17, 2013

Utilicast named MISO integration consultant at both Lafayette Utility Systems (LUS) and Louisiana Energy & Power Authority (LEPA). Both Balancing Authorities are slated to join MISO in December 2013. Utiliast now helping four of seven Balancing Authorities join MISO by year end.

October 9, 2012

Utilicast starts support of Custsomer Information System (CIS) project for California Gas Utility.

July 9, 2012

Utilicast named System Integrator for Investor-Owned Utility joining MISO.

June 5, 2012

Utilicast’s Scott Stapels jointly presented with MISO’s Kevin Frankeny at the North American Snychrophasor Initiative Conference. The topic of their presentation is the Success Story of the MISO Synchrophasor Initiative. Utilicast was the System Integrator and Program Manager of this $33m initiative.

November 11, 2011

Utilicast selected as Prime Contractor for New York ISO’s Synchrophasor Project including software, PMU registration and EMS integration.

August 7, 2011

Utilicast selected by both MISO and PJM ton conduct a FERC-ordered analysis of their Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) implementation.