January 23, 2025
Utilicast will deliver a gap assessment to identify the scope, schedule, and budget for a public Mountain utility to join EDAM. #MarketIntegration
Utilicast will deliver a gap assessment to identify the scope, schedule, and budget for a public Mountain utility to join EDAM. #MarketIntegration
Utilicast will continue to support the deployment of a data analytics center of excellence for a public Eastern utility. #GridAndPowerAnalytics
A Pacific investor-owned utility has requested Utilicast support a gap assessment of the EMS Integration team and their functions, helping the team overcome issues that have created risk for their Transmission System Operations. #EnergyManagementSystems
Utilicast will perform an onsite mock audit for selected NERC standards related to a Central municipality’s TO, TOP, and TP registrations. #NERCAndFERCCompliance
A Mountain investor-owned utility had requested Utilicast to perform a DAM gap assessment to determine the impacts of selecting a particular DA Market offering. Utilicast will provide a review of the current state and identify the necessary people, processes, and technology changes necessary, as well as cost estimate and draft schedule to implement. #MarketIntegration
Utilicast shall support an Eastern public utility’s implementation of FERC Order 881. #FERCOrder881
A Central private utility has executed a Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) Implementation Agreement with the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), and is planning to join the WEIM in 2026. Utilicast will provide professional services to support the design, integration and testing of EIM software applications, the modeling and registration of current resources and transmission […]
A private Mountain utility has contracted Utilicast to provide consulting in connection with the implementation of the Owner FlowgateMethodology (MOD-030). Services include assisting with determining the costs and efforts involved in implementing Flowgate Methodology according to the NERC guidelines. #MOD-030
Utilicast will provide strategic and technical support on technical and contractual matters related to the transmission service for specific generation projects for a Pacific investor-owned utility. #SchedulingAndTransmissionService
Utilicast shall perform a gap assessment for a Central public utility joining a DA Market. #MarketIntegration