June 1, 2021
Utilicast was engaged to support a Southwestern U.S. utility’s migration of their existing EMS PI system to a corporate environment. Utilicast will also assist with integrating Generation data into PI. #GridAndPowerAnalytics
Utilicast was engaged to support a Southwestern U.S. utility’s migration of their existing EMS PI system to a corporate environment. Utilicast will also assist with integrating Generation data into PI. #GridAndPowerAnalytics
Utilicast is working with a Generation and Transmission electric cooperative to determine a work plan and estimate for what it would take to become a Transmission Operator.
A major Western U.S. utility has requested Utilicast support with a major SCADA system transition. SCADA modeling, testing, and program support will be provided by Utilicast to help ensure the success of this significant project.
After joining the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market, a Southwestern U.S. utility hired Utilicast to provide analytical and operational support to the power operations group.
A Southwestern U.S. utility hired a team of Utilicast consultants to complete an EMS replacement project. Utilicast provided the initial set of requirements and project definition and then was hired to help with the implementation of a new OSI Monarch EMS.
A California-based Balancing Authority extended Utilicast to provide EIM Post-Go-Live support and EIM bid strategy refinement/review.
A Western U.S. utility has selected Utilicast to support them with several EMS initiatives that will help them improve EMS study capabilities, Transmission Operator situational awareness, and network model processes.
Utilicast was contracted to provide project management and technical support to Operations Technology projects that directly support the Outage Management processes at a Western U.S. utility. Utilicast is providing subject matter expertise along with project management to help the client be successful in this significant Operations Technology project.
Utilicast was retained by a Western U.S. Generation and Transmission (G&T) Cooperative to expand their PI displays to include additional substation monitoring.
Our first Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) class of 2023 clients has begun with a Southwestern U.S. Investor Owned Utility’s implementation phase of their project. After completing a detailed gap assessment, Utilicast was engaged to perform the training, project planning and software RFP efforts.