Utilicast was selected by a Central member cooperative to provide project management services, support for data validation, including implementation of loss factors, support for ICCP configuration, and manage communication with partner utilities in support of their ICCP implementation. #SCADAandICCP
Utilicast will perform an independent Transmission Operations Readiness Assessment for a Central cooperative, to aid confidence for a cutover targeting Q1 2024. #EnergyManagementSystem
Utilicast was selected to perform a Gap Analysis for a public Central utility in the context of SPP WEIS and possible full market participation. #MarketIntegration
Utilicast will provide powerflow studies and analysis and research into transmission related options to serve large loads for a Public Pacific Corporation. #SchedulingAndTransmissionService
Utilicast will support an evaluation and options analysis of transmission service for delivery of a resource interconnection to a Western U.S. transmission system for a Pacific renewable energy developer. Our activities include a determination of feasible transmission service paths and options for delivery of resource to other transmission service providers for determined paths, determination of […]
Utilicast will provide strategic and technical support on WECC utility practices, and technical and contractual evaluation of interconnection and transmission service for specific generation projects upon request for an Eastern renewable energy developer. #PlanningAndInterconnection
Utilicast was engaged to help an Eastern utility company stand up a new group within Transmission to design and pilot a new demand response program directed at Datacenters. #RenewableAndDERIntegration
Utilicast will continue to support a Pacific utility company’s transition from a legacy SCADA system to a modern Energy Management System (EMS), focusing on SCADA modeling through 2024. #EnergyManagementSystem