A Mountain mid-sized public utility plans to transition to a flow-based methodology to calculate the total transfer capability (TTC) on its transmission system (MOD-30). Utilicast will serve as System Integrator for the multi-year implementation. #SchedulingAndTransmissionService
Utilicast will provide business analysis services in support of a Central mid-size regulated electric utility’s Advanced Energy Management System (AEMS) implementation. Utilicast will act as a liaison between the utility SCADA business team and the AEMS vendor. Utilicast is expected to coordinate and participate in requirements and design sessions, test case development and execution activities […]
Utilicast will provide an Eastern Independent System Operator (ISO) with technical advisory, design, recommendations, documentation, and implementation of market functionality, including coordination, procedures, market rule changes, new market features, production tasks for the ISO’s Market Design Complete Milestone in support of FERC Order 2222 compliance. #RenewableAndDERIntegration
Utilicast will continue to support new projects in the Operations Technology, Energy Management System (EMS), and Business Intelligence area of a large Pacific investor-owned utility. These projects facilitate transmission system operations tools and processes at the utility. #EnergyManagementSystem
Utilicast will facilitate an assessment for a Mountain regulated utility to determine and evaluate the impacts on the utility’s staff, processes, and technologies from California ISO (CAISO)’s Extended Day-Ahead Markets (EDAM) proposal. #MarketIntegration
Utilicast will provide consulting services to support an Eastern mid-size electric utility’s investigation for a SCADA system event that caused a loss of monitoring and control, impacting their operations. Utilicast services include assessing the SCADA incident, identifying possible causes, supporting testing, and providing a report with suggested recommendations. It also includes supporting the utility’s architecture […]
Utilicast will conduct a CAISO Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) project scoping, future state, capability gap assessment, and vendor RFP/selection criteria for a large Pacific irrigation district. #MarketIntegration
Utilicast will provide the largest independent electricity company with a subject matter expert who will provide OSI Monarch, OSI Monarch Upgrade, and general TMS SCADA expertise to assist with the hardware and software upgrade of ITC, OSI Monarch system. #EMS
Utilicst was selected by an Electric Power Cooperative to provide a gap assessment to participate in the SPP RTO West. In addition to typical gap assessment components such as a cost assessment and technology impact, this project would include a medium-level to-be business process identification, detailed requirements identification (deep enough to send to vendors), solution […]
Utilicast will support a Southwestern utility with investigating the feasibility of developing a Demand Response program to aggregate curtailable load identified by the data center customers in the area and manage the process that will curtail customer load when the transmission system is approaching its limits to prevent a system emergency. #RenewableAndDERIntegration