Utilicast was selected to perform a Gap Analysis for a public Central utility in the context of SPP WEIS and possible full market participation.
Utilicast was selected by a Pacific joint power authority to perform a CAISO EDAM Gap Analysis.
Utilicast will complete a gap analysis and assessment to determine if a municipally owned Pacific utility should consider CAISO EDAM or SPP Markets+.
Utilicast will provide powerflow studies and analysis and research into transmission related options to serve large loads for a Public Pacific Corporation.
Utilicast will complete a Markets Gap Analysis for a Pacific municipal utility to define the systems, processes, and staffing required from its existing state to various future market participation options.
Utilicast will support a Pacific Investor-owned utility with their EMS implementation for compliance with FERC 881.
Utilicast will provide a Pacific Public utility with software vendor evaluation support for Virtual Power Plant (VPP) and Distributed Energy Resource Management System.
Utilicast will support a Public Mountain utility with technology and integration improvements across multiple initiatives in support of market integration efforts. implementation.
Utilicast will provide project management, business analysis, change management, solution architecture, and project administration consulting services supporting of a Central Investor-owned utility’s Customer Experience team and related initiatives including a customer billing and meter data management implementation.
Utilicast will collaborate jointly with a Public Pacific utility to support their CAISO EIM Implementation preparation and planning activities.