Utilicast will support a large Pacific public utility’s Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) FLISR training efforts for DSOs.
A Mountain mid-sized public utility plans to transition to a flow-based methodology to calculate the total transfer capability (TTC) on its transmission system (MOD-30). Utilicast will serve as System Integrator for the multi-year implementation.
Utilicast will provide business analysis services in support of a Central mid-size regulated electric utility’s Advanced Energy Management System (AEMS) implementation. Utilicast will act as a liaison between the utility SCADA business team and the AEMS vendor. Utilicast is expected to coordinate and participate in requirements and design sessions, test case development and execution activities (FAT, SAT, UAT), and training development and delivery. Additionally, the utility expects to assess and select a DERMS solution in Q1 2023. Utilicast will support cross referencing DERMS test procedures with the utility’s DERMS requirements and processes and assist with the development of test cases for FAT, SAT, and UAT.
#SCADAandICCP #EnergyManagementSystem
Utilicast will provide an Eastern Independent System Operator (ISO) with technical advisory, design, recommendations, documentation, and implementation of market functionality, including coordination, procedures, market rule changes, new market features, production tasks for the ISO’s Market Design Complete Milestone in support of FERC Order 2222 compliance.
Utilicast will provide consulting services for a Pacific U.S. flexible fuel generation technology company to help them understand the technical and operational requirements of non-energy system reliability services that their generation may qualify to offer in the ERCOT market.
Utilicast will plan, coordinate, and oversee Resource Interconnection study cycles for a Eastern Independent System Operator (ISO). Utilicast will assemble project teams, assign responsibilities, identify resources, and develop schedules for timely completion of study cycles. In addition, Utilicast will work with team members to develop and implement process efficiencies and ensure process compliance with the ISO’s Tariff and Business Practices.
Utilicast will continue to support new projects in the Operations Technology, Energy Management System (EMS), and Business Intelligence area of a large Pacific investor-owned utility. These projects facilitate transmission system operations tools and processes at the utility.
Utilicast will facilitate an assessment for a Mountain regulated utility to determine and evaluate the impacts on the utility’s staff, processes, and technologies from California ISO (CAISO)’s Extended Day-Ahead Markets (EDAM) proposal.
Utilicast is serving as the System Integrator for an Eastern mid-size electric utility’s OMS implementation and will continue to provide consulting services to support the model build, configuration/integration build, and system testing.
An Eastern Independent System Operator (ISO) is pursuing a vision for an ‘Operations of the Future’ to meet the changing grid and the anticipated challenges in maintain reliability. One of the areas of focus is Situational Awareness and the applications that support RT Operations, specifically operator display and visual techniques. Utilicast will provide subject matter expertise with PI, integration, and data modeling for the requirements phase to transform their current Real Time Display (RTD).