Utilicast was contracted by a Western U.S. utility to perform an assessment of their Energy Trading and Risk Management System and processes for recommended improvements.


July 26, 2021

After joining the California Energy Imbalance Market, a Southwestern U.S. utility hired Utilicast to evaluate its generation modeling and performance history. Utilicast is looking for inefficiencies and areas for improvement.


July 12, 2021

Utilicast was selected to provide Energy Management System (EMS) upgrade support for a Western U.S. power company. The upgrade support includes managing database and display conversions, interface implementation, leading testing efforts, and change management activities.


July 12, 2021

Utilicast was selected to help a large Northeastern U.S. utility’s migration of PI interfaces and other 3rd party software from retired Windows servers to newer servers in support of their Wind PI system. Final data and cut-over testing will be performed to ensure data flow reliability through the new interfaces and to validate business continuity throughout the cut-over.


July 5, 2021

Utilicast is providing project management, coordination, and contract management support to a Northwestern U.S. utility’s Generator Interconnection Process. As part of this effort, Utilicast is responsible for facilitating meetings and communications between the transmission policy & contracts department, engineering, interconnection customers, and associated outside vendors.


June 14, 2021

Utilicast was engaged to support a Southwestern U.S. utility’s migration of their existing EMS PI system to a corporate environment. Utilicast will also assist with integrating Generation data into PI.


June 1, 2021

A Northeastern U.S. utility has requested Utilicast provide an OMS testing expert as part of implementing an Outage Management System (OMS). The Outage Management system includes implementation of a Distribution Network Model, Switch Order Management (SOM), and integrations to various other utility systems including CIS, IVR, AMI, MWFM.


May 24, 2021

Utilicast was contracted to conduct a planning phase for a Midwest investor-owned utility’s planned ADMS upgrade.

May 17, 2021