Utilicast is providing executive quality assurance and risk management services to a Southwestern U.S. utility for the implementation of the MOD-30 Flowgate Project. Such services include independent assessment and analysis throughout all phases of the program plan.
Utilicast was hired by a major generation and transmission entity in the Northwestern U.S. to provide Scrum Master management to achieve the objectives of two internal initiatives. The first initiative is on improving data as it pertains to power generation dispatch and targets data quality, accuracy, precision to optimize systems and processes and to improve efficiency and data reliability. The second initiative is to determine a systematic analytical process for quantifying opportunity costs that reflect appropriate economic signals in all planning and marketing decisions, resulting in optimal dispatch and marketing strategies, reduced manual processes, and limited unrecorded decision making.
Utilicast is performing an evaluation of a Western U.S. Transmission Operator’ s internal EMS requirements and translating that into a Request for Information (RFI). Utilicast will work with internal stakeholders, peer utilities and EMS vendors to best align EMS products available with the utility’s operational and support needs.
Utilicast was retained by a Southeastern utility to help it achieve the objectives Utilicast helped to develop as part of a 2020 Data Analytics Roadmap. This effort includes defining, building, testing and deploying tools to support automation of their PI system. It also includes the creation of value add dashboard templates to provide visualization of key equipment monitoring, breaker enhancements, plant and planning data.
Utilicast is supporting a large Grid Operator with its resettlement capability. Utilicast’s work included: problem resolution, software releases and staff training. Utilicast also provided support services related to FERC and/or non-FERC ordered resettlements.
Utilicast is supporting a number of software development efforts at a large Grid Operator.
Utilicast was retained to provide NERC CIP Compliance and project management expertise supporting Physical Access Control System (PACS) decommission efforts and Transient Cyber Assets (TCA) commission.
Utilicast is providing advisory services for a large Midwestern U.S. Investor Owned Utility’s NERC CIP Standards consolidation between the legacy utilities and NERC CIP registrations.
A U.S. Grid Operator hired Utilicast to conduct an assessment of its Pilot Program. Utilicast’s tasks are: 1. Review pilot program governance approaches and highlight best practices and outline core components of a program (e.g., issue selection, partner selection, execution and report out), 2. Identify best practices specific to the power sector. Reference experiences from utilities, other ISO/RTOs, or other entities within the power sector, and 3. Summarize findings and make recommendations specific to tests that embody stakeholder participation, have a physical component and are oriented towards the pre-deployment phase.
A multinational software, critical power and smart grid application provider hired Utilicast to review its EMS application portfolio, software capabilities, project implementation processes, and data modeling methodology to assess how they compare to best practices in the industry.