A Generation, Transmission and Distribution utility selected Utilicast to provide subject matter expertise to benchmark benefits and challenges for a common operational platform for EMS, ADMS and OMS. The client seeks to establish a five year roadmap for an upgraded best of breed or integrated future state for key operational technologies.

November 21, 2020

Utilicast is providing system integration services for system upgrades to an OSI Monarch Energy Management System (EMS) for a U.S. based Transmission Owner/Operator holding company.

November 2, 2020

A public power company in Northwestern U.S. selected Utilicast to evaluate the metering and generation controls capabilities and existing contractual arrangements in the context of potential EIM Membership.

October 29, 2020

Utilicast was hired by a Northeastern U.S. utility to provide technical advisory and implementation support services for the duration of an OMS implementation project.

October 26, 2020

Utilicast was hired by a Northeastern U.S. utility to support RFP evaluation, vendor selection, SOW negotiation and SOW management for field inventory work.

October 19, 2020

A large Midwestern U.S. energy company retains Utilicast to provide technical analysis and implementation services for the expansion of their GE Predix APM solution.

October 12, 2020

Utilicast contracted with a Southwestern United States utility to assist in developing requirements and support the RFI process to investigate the vendor and service provider landscape around integration of Energy Storage Systems into the utility’s Operations Technology (OT) Systems.

October 1, 2020

Utilicast provided Grid Communications and Standards consulting for a Southwestern utility’s Distributed Energy Resource Management System (“DERMS”) project. The scope included client meetings, a series of workshops and documentation of communication risks, requirements and best practices.

September 21, 2020

Utilicast is providing a large Southwestern United States utility with IT, change management and subject matter expertise to transition from a contract path-based ATC/TTC calculation (NERC MOD-29) to a flow-based methodology (NERC MOD-30).

September 8, 2020

Utilicast was engaged by a Southwestern United States utility to implement an aggregated forecast repository using PI and integrate this with external forecast sources. This also included using PI to calculate a new internal short-term and a rolling 7-day ahead forecast, and an automated system to provide continuous forecast accuracy and benchmarking metrics.

September 3, 2020