Utilicast was hired to complete a resettlement of an ISO’s Return on Equity (ROE) for its members.
Utilicast was hired to perform an assessment of an ISO/RTO integration architecture, perform peer benchmarking and provide future state recommendations.
Utilicast was hired to help establish an ISO/RTO’s IT Business Management Program.
Utilicast was hired to identify business practices, resources, tools and operations required for both Western Energy Imbalance Services Market (WEIS) and Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) designs.
Utilicast was hired to support the development of a market simulation capability for the purposes of research and development.
Utilicast was hired to provide EIM system integration services for a Southwestern U.S. utility. The project includes system and process design, testing and cutover as well as staff readiness and training.
Utilicast hired to provide testing for a Midwest utility’s next-generation Day Ahead Market system.
Utilicast was hired by an ISO/RTO to support the migration of a market settlements application to a new platform.
Utilicast was selected by an ISO/RTO to perform studies for future generation mix scenarios for day-ahead, real-time, capacity, and congestion revenue rights markets.
Utilicast was hired by a large generation operator to develop asset health metrics for its fossil and renewables portfolio.