Utilicast will assist a Central municipality inventory existing internal controls and build an internal control program with periodic testing for their NERC Transmission registrations.


September 19, 2024

Utilicast will develop a nonintrusive, passive NERC CIP Cyber Network Discovery scan for a Central municipality’s power plants.


September 11, 2024

Utilicast shall support an Eastern independent system operator to assess the current state of SGEM Model Manager and CIM integration, design missed future state CIM architecture to achieve monthly model updates and provide best practices and optimization recommendations for current architecture and alternatives based on other ISO/RTOs.


September 1, 2024

Utilicast was selected to perform a NERC CIP Gap Assessment for a Central municipality related to their NERC TO, TOP, TP, DP registrations and provide monthly CIP monitoring.


August 26, 2024