Utilicast developed and presented an EMS Vendor Landscape document for an ISO/RTO.
Utilicast was contracted by an energy provider in the Midwestern United States, to provide professional consulting and project management services related to the design and build of a smart operations center to house operations and analytics personnel.
Utilicast was hired to provide advisory services related to NERC & FERC regulatory requirements for the construction of a new operations center in the Northeastern United States.
Utilicast was contracted on an interim basis to support ADMS implementation testing for a Southeastern U.S. utility.
Utilicast was hired by a municipal utility in the Western United States, to provide tools which allow the utility to show a comparison of a proposed monthly bill versus the customer’s current provider monthly bill.
Utilicast was hired to complete a resettlement of an ISO’s Return on Equity (ROE) for its members.
Utilicast was hired to perform an assessment of an ISO/RTO integration architecture, perform peer benchmarking and provide future state recommendations.
Utilicast was hired to help establish an ISO/RTO’s IT Business Management Program.
Utilicast was hired to identify business practices, resources, tools and operations required for both Western Energy Imbalance Services Market (WEIS) and Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) designs.
Utilicast was hired to support the development of a market simulation capability for the purposes of research and development.