A global energy company hired Utilicast to perform a gap analysis for its generation facilities and asset management capabilities.
Azerenerji hired Utilicast to write an EMS and telecommunications specification for its national grid modernization program.
A Midwestern U.S. electric utility hired to provide cybersecurity advisory and operational support.
The Northern California Power Authority hired Utilicast to model its generation portfolio.
Through a competitive process involving over 25 firms, Utilicast is one of six firms selected to provide testing support to Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD).
Through a competitive RFP process, Utilicast was awarded a consultancy contract with a Midwestern utility for EMS replacement. The two-year project includes developing the EMS requirements, RFP, vendor selection and implementation support.
Through a competitive RFP process, Utilicast was awarded the role as system integrator for merging two EMS systems.
A Northwestern U.S. investor-owned utility hired Utilicast to support a number of Grid Modernization initiatives and planning for CAISO EIM membership.
Through a competitive RFP process, Bonneville Power Administration awarded Utilicast with a three-year, mission-critical IT services award.
A major ISO hired Utilicast to conduct several studies related to their Next-Generation Market System including DER integration study, vendor feasibility study, and market engineering support.