Azerenerji hired Utilicast to provide technical support for the implementation of EMS and telecommunications replacement projects for its national grid modernization program.
A Southwestern U.S. utility hired Utilicast to develop a roadmap and cost assessment for joining the Western EIM.
Several Northern California utilities hired Utilicast to conduct a gap assessment and provide project management in support of joining the Western EIM.
A California utility hired Utilicast as its system integrator for joining the Western EIM.
Through a competitive process, Utilicast was selected by a Northwestern U.S. utility; to serve as the system integrator for joining the Western EIM.
Through a competitive RFP process, Utilicast was awarded the security and compliance design work for a new transmission backup control center.
Utilicast was hired by a Texas Energy company to strategically advise and train their staff on the ERCOT market.
Through a competitive RFP process, BPA hired Utilicast to provide EMS implementation support for its upcoming major upgrade.
Tacoma Power hired Utilicast to write a specification for an ETRM system.
Utilicast was hired by a Northeast ISO/RTO to manage and provide analytical support for its Energy Storage Resources integration project.