A Southwest investor-owned utility hired Utilicast to provide a Gap Analysis and Cost Assessment for membership into the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market.
A large trading organization hired Utilicast to provide system integration services for an Energy Trading and Risk Management (ETRM) system replacement.
A large public utility hired Utilicast to provide a Gap Analysis and Cost Assessment for membership into the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market.
Through a competitive RFP process, a large Western Utility selected Utilicast to service as an advisor to its CAISO readiness and provide Project Management services for the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market
A large Southwest utility hired Utilicast to provide quality assurance oversight to its Meter Data Management (MDM) implementation.
Through a competitive RFP process, a candidate member of the Mountain West Transmission Group awarded Utilicast a contract to assess the costs of joining he Southwest Power Pool vs. operating as a standalone Balancing Authority.
Through a competitive RFP process, a Western U.S. investor-owned utility awarded Utilicast with a 3-year project to provide Solution Architecture as a Service (SAaaS) on its capital projects.
Mexico’s Secretary of Energy (SENER) selected Utilicast to assess the calculation of marginal losses in the Mexican national electricity market (Análsis del Cálculo Realizado para Determinar el Sobrecobro por las Pérdidas Marginales).
Through a competitive RFP process, the city of Tacoma selected Utilicast to serve as it System Integrator for an EMS replacement project (see Bid Results from Tacoma Board Meeting).
Through a competitive RFP process, SMUD selected Utilicast to assess readiness and provide Project Management services for the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market (see SMUD Bid Results).