Through a competitive RFP process, Utilicast was selected to perform a Cyber Security Assessment for a large Midwestern U.S. Utility.

July 31, 2018

A Northwestern U.S. investor-owned utility hired Utilicast to perform a technology and metering assessment as part of a grid modernization program. Legacy software and metering infrastructure will be assessed to determine replacement and upgrade costs respectfully.

July 19, 2018

Through a competitive RFP process, Utilicast was selected to serve as System Integrator for a Western U.S. utility’s Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS).

June 27, 2018

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) selected Utilicast as its advisor, System Integrator and Change Management consultant for CAISO EIM, Reliability Coordination and other regional efforts.

June 27, 2018

Utilicast proudly supported the integration of both of CAISO’s 2018 Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) participants. Utilicast’s team provided a broad range of advisory and implementation services, including network model buildout, system selection, and integration, process definition, participation strategy and project management.

June 1, 2018

Utilicast was hired by a Midwestern U.S. investor-owned utility to review network modeling practices and performance tuning on the Energy Management System (EMS) State Estimator and Network Applications.

March 7, 2018

A Midwest municipality retained Utilicast to support its operations center remodeling project. The initial phase of work is to develop requirements, RFI, and selection of construction contractor.

February 16, 2018

Utilicast started the management and support of a two-year Strategic Alignment and Real-time Transformation, or START project, that will replace and upgrade key operational systems to include Asset Management (EAM) Customer Information System (CIS), Head End System (HES) and Meter Data Management (MDM) for a Southeastern investor-owned utility.

January 29, 2018

The City of San Francisco PUC selected Utilicast for a five-year partnership.   Utilicast is currently providing Risk Management assessment for its Power enterprise. Utilicast is also providing on-going CAISO scheduling and settlement subject matter expertise.

January 12, 2018

A large Western Generation and Transmission utility hired Utilicast to develop an enterprise IT architecture. Utilicast was also retained to develop requirements for outage management replacement, energy management system (EMS) upgrade and potential energy market membership.

December 29, 2017