Utilicast selected as System Integrator for Midwest EMS SCADA Upgrade project.

October 16, 2015

Utilicast starts support of Customer Information System (CIS) project for a second Midwestern Investor-owned Utility. The support is focused on CIS solution architecture.

October 1, 2015

Utilicast’s Dr. Kiamran Radjabli presented his paper on Contingency Analysis Enhancements at the Power and System Engineering Conference in Kitakyush, Japan. A Midwest Utility recently hired Utilicast to develop and deploy these advanced algorithms into their System Operations.

September 12, 2015

Utilicast starts support of Customer Information System (CIS) project for a Midwestern Investor-owned Utility. The support is focused on CIS solution architecture, integration management, customer web presentment architecture and related integration.

July 1, 2015

Utilicast selected System Integrator for Investor-owned Utility joining the California Energy Imbalance Market.

June 3, 2015

Utilicast selected to create an Electric Utility Reference Architecture for a second Midwestern Investor-owned Utility. The reference architecture focused on standard utility business capabilities that would assist the Utility to develop their internal roadmap and supporting solutions.

May 20, 2015

Utilicast facilitated a workshop on Utility Industry Trends for a Southern Investor-owned Utility. Key trends and topics presented included Renewable Energy, Energy Storage, Distribution Operations, Data Analytics and IT/OT Convergence.

March 11, 2015

Utilicast selected to provide Subject Matter Expertise (SME) support for a Southern Investor-owned Utility’s implementation of an Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) implementation, focused on integration and use of ADMS Advanced Applications.

November 20, 2014

Utilicast signs four-year deal to become consulting advisor to South American Market Operator.

October 20, 2014

Utilicast named to lead CIPv5 Program for large Midwest Investor-owned Utility.

August 13, 2014