Through a competitive RFP process, the city of San Francisco PUC awarded Utilicast with a 5-year Power Consulting Contract. The consulting scope covers power supply management support, energy trading risk management and settlements support, energy scheduling and trading support, and community choice aggregation (CCA) and customer billing support.
(see SF PUC Award Announcement).

March 14, 2017

As an extension of the ADMS consulting engagement, a Northeast U.S. investor-owned utility hired Utilicast to augment its deliverables to include writing the RFP for a replacement EMS.

January 20, 2017

Midcontinent ISO (MISO) hired Utilicast as the primary consultant to support an evaluation of the capability of their market systems. Utilicast supported all work streams to assess current system capabilities, identify process bottlenecks and outline future options. A project description can be found in MISO Technology Committee Presentation (note: Utilicast’s role is summarized on slide 9).

December 15, 2016

A large International industrial company hired Utilicast to support their U.S. Demand Response strategy. Utilicast helped the client understand U.S Markets and requirements to provide Demand Response Product offerings. Utilicast also advised with the NERC CIP requirements to serve as a Generation Operator.

December 1, 2016

Utilicast was awarded a contract with the Department of State’s Power Sector Program to provide an independent team of experts to the Department of State to assess the current status of Mexico’s energy market and recommend actions to overcome challenges in implementing a functional short-term electricity market.

October 26, 2016

Through a competitive RFP process, Bonneville Power Administration awarded Utilicast with project to review the Transmission and Generation business, conduct a Gap Analysis and develop a modernization roadmap.

October 19, 2016

Through a competitive RFP process, Seattle City Light awarded Utilicast with Gap Analysis and Requirements project to explore CAISO EIM membership. This win represents Utilicast’s 10th EIM client.

October 16, 2016

Through a competitive RFP process, the Mexico’s Secretary of Energy (SENER) selected Utilicast to author the Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) Auction Business Practice Manuals for the Mexican national electricity market.

October 6, 2016

Through a competitive RFP process, a Northeast U.S. investor-owned utility awarded Utilicast with a contract to provide ADMS Consulting Services. The award is for a five-year program to modernize GIS, SCADA, DMS and OMS.

September 15, 2016