An investor-owned Pacific utility has selected Utilicast to support several data and automation projects that will allow them to meet FERC and CAISO deadlines for implementing Ambient Adjusted Ratings (AAR).
#EnergyManagementSystem #FERC881Offering
Utilicast will provide project management support an investor-owned pacific utility’s EMS upgrade project.
Utilicast evaluated the impacts of joining the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Markets+ for an investor-owned Pacific utility. The Gap Assessment focused on the impacts to the client’s personnel, business processes, and technology.
Utilicast will review EDAM’s most current design and evaluate the impacts of WEIM and EDAM participation on a Mountain municipality’s staff, processes, and technology. Utilicast will conduct a gap assessment to document the gaps and required changes, develop a high-level implementation schedule, and will work with the municipality to evaluate the costs and gaps of a phased WEIM and later EDAM implementation against a combined WEIM EDAM implementation.
Utilicast was selected to support a Mountain investor-owned utility’s assessment of EDAM readiness as well as an options analysis for EDAM vs. Markets+ entry.
A Central Regional Transmission Organization is exploring launching transitional real-time balancing market and other components for their Markets+ services in 2024. Utilicast will support the implementation of Phase 1 objectives focused on policy, design, tariff development and stakeholder collaboration.
Utilicast was hired to provide executive consulting for a public Mountain utility’s safety program. The work includes two areas: Energized Work and Safety Culture Improvements. Utilicast will leverage its previous work with the utility to expand its Top Ten Percent Safety program.
Utilicast will continue supporting an Mountain municiplaity’s entrance into SPP’s RTO West by providing project management, process development, and technology planning, building on a previous executed gap assessment and training project.
Utilicast was selected to lead the internal program at a Pacific invesotr-owned utility to implement PMUs on CAISO Balancing Authority tie lines. PMUs are being installed at multiple critical stations to support CAISO and the utility’s compliance and situational awareness.
Utilicast will provide SPP RTO West Implementation support for a Mountain municipality.